
  • Infinite Wing Flyer V1


Work-in-progress model viewer made by SuperSpazzy. Initial load may be slow.

Blueprints can be imported into the game using Marc Robledo's SaveGame Editor for TotK . HyruleWorks is not responsible for any damages to your system or save file. Use blueprints at your own risk.


  • 5 Total (3 Unique)
  • ~4.68 Battery/minute
  • 15 Autobuild Cost

Tip: click on a part to see its location on TotK Object Map . Not all part locations are available.


The fabled infinite wing from the mini game combined with oversized floaty rails and oversized fans giving oversized power and balls. The model may look like there is a fan where there should be the wing however if you could see the collision mesh you would see the wings outline.

By Gino R Molicious

Created: 2023-11-22

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is the property of Nintendo. HyruleWorks is not affiliated with Nintendo or the game. User contributed content are licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0